Sunday 21 February 2010

Day 2 of making raised beds

As you can see raised bed no2 is now finshed. No3 is constructed but i need some more soil to put in that one, no3 is based further up the garden. The layout is designed around what plants require what amount of direct constant sunlight (see previous post). The other 2 photos on here today are from the seeds i planted about 3/4 weeks ago which seems to be quite well, almost too fast....come on the spring!

Saturday 20 February 2010

Raised Beds!

So as the year starts again for all the garden chores, mine start with making 3 raised beds. This includes the fact of i obtained 6 sleepers free of charge!...result you might say!...indeed i agree! ....however they are the heaviest thing on the planet and i have the war wounds to prove it...anyhow the attached photos show of todays efforts to build far i have 1 and a half done, only because someone was supposed to drop around a scaffold board but never made it, so there is one complete and the 2nd halfway through....looks good i think considering i have never built them before. There seems to be an important fact for using sleepers that may have been treated with some sort of protective liquid, it seems that they may weep the said treated liquid through the summer months and could do some damge to your soil, so the recomended course of action is to line the inside of the sleeper with plastic (as you can see in the photo)......thats it for now